Category: Publications
ARTICLE: What if we learned contemplation like we do arts or sports?
As with football or violin practice, young people could gain versatile life skills through routine contemplative training. Article…
PRESS: UVAToday Interview on Climate Anxiety
Q&A: How Do You Fight Climate Anxiety? An interview in UVAToday, the newsletter of the University of Virginia,…
PRESS: National Geographic Interview on Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming Article in National Geographic Michael weighed in on the state of becoming aware of one’s dream…
PRESS: BuddhistDoor Global Features Contemplative Fluency Workshop, Hong Kong
Meditation: A Sampler Workshop with Professor Michael Sheehy A write-up in the Buddhist magazine, BuddhistDoor Global on the…
ARTICLE: Cognitive Illusion and Lucid Dreaming in Dzogchen Contemplative Practices
Cognitive Illusion, Lucid Dreaming, and the Psychology of Metaphor in Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen Contemplative Practices International Journal of…
PRESS: Translating Tibetan Buddhism for Today
Translating Tibetan Buddhism for Today Feature article in Wheaton Quarterly, Winter 2023 Read the full article. “We are…
ARTICLE: “Images of Emptiness in a Prognostic Mirror”
Images of Emptiness in a Prognostic Mirror: Tantric Zhentong Visions of Tathāgatagarbha in Early Jonang Kālacakra Yoga Manuals…
ARTICLE: “The Distinctive Mindfulness of Dzogchen”
The Distinctive Mindfulness of Dzogchen: Jigme Lingpa’s Advice on Meta-Awareness and Nondual Meditation with Marc-Henri Deroche, Kyoto University…
REVIEW: Mind Seeing Mind: Mahāmudrā and the Geluk Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism by Roger R. Jackson
Review of Mind Seeing Mind: Mahāmudrā and the Geluk Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism by Roger R. Jackson. Journal of World…
EVENT: Voices from Larung Gar: A Symposium
Voices from Larung Gar: A Symposium Online symposium for the launch of the book, “Voices from Larung Gar:…