Category: Publications
REVIEW: “The Buddhist Science of Mind”
The Buddhist Science of Mind Review of the book, Science and Philosophy in Indian and Buddhist Classics, vol. 2:…
TRANSLATION: Guidance on Being at Ease with Illusion
A Wish-Fulfilling Gem: Guidance on the Meaning of Being at Ease with Illusion, A Dzogchen Teaching By Lonchen Rabjam…
BLOG : Remaking Cosmology in Tibet
Remaking Cosmology in Tibet A think piece on the Journal of the History of Ideas Blog. When and…
ARTICLE: “The Offering of Mount Meru” On Buddhist Cosmology in History of Science in Tibet
The Offering of Mount Meru: Contexts of Buddhist Cosmology in the History of Science in Tibet. 2021. In…
BIO : Jetsunma Kunga Trinlé Wangmo
Biography authored on the Treasury of Lives site of the 17th c. Tibetan woman author, yoginī, and lineage-holder…
ARTICLE : “Materializing Dreams and Omens”: On the Dreams and Life of Trinlé Wangmo
Materializing Dreams and Omens: The Autobiographical Subjectivity of the Tibetan Yoginī Kun dga’ ‘Phrin las dbang mo (1585-1668)….
EULOGY : The Cool Wizardry of Steven D. Goodman (1945-2020)
Eulogy published by the Lion’s Roar website. Steven D. Goodman (b. 1945) was a maverick scholar, poet, translator,…
REVIEW : “The Problem with Calling Buddhism a Science”
Review of the book, Why I Am Not a Buddhist by Evan Thompson. Yale University Press 2020. In…
PODCAST: Interview on “The Other Emptiness” Book
An interview on the New Books in Buddhist Studies podcast with Michael Sheehy and Klaus-Dieter Mathes (Vienna University) about…
BOOK : “The Other Emptiness: Rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in Tibet”
We are thrilled to announce a multi-author collaborative book on the zhentong philosophy of emptiness in Tibetan Buddhism,…