What is Enlightenment?
February 7, 2021
Upaya Zen Center
A day-long immersion into the idea of “enlightenment” with philosophers and teachers from the Zen and Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Instructors: Roshi Joan Halifax, Roshi Enkyo O’Hara, Evan Thompson, John Dunne, Anne Klein, and Michael Sheehy.
No idea is as ubiquitous across Buddhist traditions as the possibility of enlightenment. To be a buddha is to have awakened or be enlightened. Yet there is little consensus about what enlightenment is. Are there neural correlates of enlightenment in the brain? Is enlightenment fostered by social democracy? Or is enlightenment a myth propagated to keep seekers busy along their path? In dialogue about the immanent and paradoxical, embodied and psychological, social and personal – this daylong immersion brings leading Buddhist contemplatives, scholars, and philosophers together to explore the meaning of enlightenment.
Join us and register for this program.