Translating Tibetan Buddhism for Today

Feature article in Wheaton Quarterly, Winter 2023

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“We are living during a global epoch of heightened distraction and rapid change. This moment requires new ways of thinking and responding, new ways of being in the world. Because of the challenges that we face globally, humanity is hinged on how we shed maladaptive systems and retool ourselves with new systems of technology. This has historically been the case for humans and other species. Contemplative practices are a human technology that we can use to retool ourselves with greater attentional, emotional, and embodied skills.”

Wheaton College quarterly magazine featured an article on Michael’s work following his 32nd Annual Martin Lecture in Religion in the Spring 2021, “Making Sense of Vajrayāna Buddhist Meditation Practices.” Includes a biographical sketch along with excerpts from an interview about probing the nature of consciousness and the value of contemplative practices.