The Jonang: History and Philosophy of a Tibetan Buddhist Tradition

Friday, October 20, 7:00-9:00pm
Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong
Venue: CPD3.28,3/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
See the program webpage.


Until recently, the Jonang tradition of Tibetan Buddhism was thought by many to be extinct. The storyline that dominated popular opinion was that they vanished in the mid-17th century. This talk – based on the speaker’s forthcoming book – retells the history of the distinct Jonang tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. We begin in the Jomonang Valley at the center of the Tibetan world in the 13th century and trace their long arc through their 17th century migration to the remote valleys of Amdo on the margins of Tibet where they have flourished for centuries. Along the way, we’ll talk about key touchstones of their zhentong philosophy and Kālacakra contemplative practice.