We in the Department of Literary Research at TBRC have completed an initial survey of printeries (par khang) in Tibet, based on TBRC Library holdings of xylographs, and coordinated these printeries to GIS locations on the Harvard WorldMap. This is part of an ongoing project to create a TibetMap that locates cultural sites from the TBRC Place database.
View the layer of Printeries in Tibet on the Harvard WorldMap.
(select Printeries overlay in lefthand column)
Read the full post on the TBRC blog, TBRC Tibet Printeries on WorldMap.
See also the TBRC post, TBRC Cultural Sites on WorldMap.
A full communication about this project will be delivered at the International Association of Tibetan Studies (IATS) conference in Mongolia,
Charting Par khang Culture: Towards an Analytics of Early Xylographic Literary Production in Tibet
Among Digital Texts: Remembering Gene Smith
Tibetan Information Technology (II): Digital Libraries, Archives, and Resources